Cyber Security Monitoring

Why Do You Need Cyber Security Monitoring?

Information security in the enterprise is becoming relevant for all, without exception, companies, and businesses that use information, data, and modern technologies, regardless of their size. Therefore, cyber security monitoring takes place here. So, how does it work?

Reasons to use monitoring in cybersecurity

The success and development of modern companies largely depend on the IT infrastructure’s stability and security. The more often a company experiences failures and downtime after attacks, the more likely it will lead to problems in business processes. For some reason, companies underestimate the importance of monitoring as part of information security. But it is the creation of your monitoring system based on high-quality products that will become an invaluable solution.

To keep up with the present, companies need to abandon old business processes, digitize them, and introduce new processes and systems, such as Virtual data rooms, CRM, and ERP. However, all ill-conceived processes and failures bring reputational and financial problems without special preparation and protection. If the company had only minor issues with the IT infrastructure, the company might still face a lack of profit, instability, and low efficiency. The IT infrastructure monitoring solutions are being implemented to avoid such results. They help with keeping track of what is happening on the corporate network. As a result, the reaction to possible failures and attacks is significantly increased.

SOC: how to organize monitoring?

Most companies are moving to the cloud to take advantage of digital business opportunities. Everyone loves the convenience of cloud services that are quick and easy to back up, deploy, and use. However, security threats do not disappear with the transition to the cloud, and the scale of services in the cloud and on-premise environments requires a new approach to cyber defense. Modern companies are moving away from manual management of security strategies favoring intelligent security monitoring centers (Security Operations Center). SOCs can predict, detect, prevent, and respond to threats automatically, discover data relationships, and analyze event logs to extract valuable operational information.

The right decision to grant access to IT resources is rarely obvious. Therefore, security services must constantly assess risks to distinguish an intruder. Machine learning and cloud analytics can automatically detect anomalies in user behavior and intercept rogue applications that bypass traditional perimeter security systems. In addition, new rule-based security tools scan data that was missed by such systems. This automation is very important for SOC as it allows for fast detection and response.

What should be a suitable monitoring system?

To select the ideal cyber security monitoring system, pay attention to:

  • Opportunity to work with a single company strategy. If you work with the cloud, then choose cloud service providers.
  • Systems with basic and necessary functions. So you will not overpay and will pay only for those functions that are needed in work.
  • Level of knowledge and experience with the monitoring system. It is better not to implement a solution that your specialists have not previously worked with. 
  • Ability to integrate the system with other tools and processes. Otherwise, monitoring will also not work effectively.
  • Automation. Choose those monitoring products that will help automate the necessary processes and simplify employees’ work.
  • The convenience of the interface. It should meet corporate needs and support all the necessary ways to notify about reports and problems. Cloud options tend to be cheaper and more likely to adapt to different networks.
  • The ability to monitor the corporate network at various levels. In other words, senior managers should have shared access to the entire IT infrastructure.